To request collateral to be returned to your dealership location, start by accessing your menu at the top right of the screen, and then click on the "Return Collateral" button.
The menu is the 9 squares as shown below.
Or the main landing page of the PrimaLend Portal.
First select your dealership on the dealership drop down.
These tabs will allow you to change between seeing documents that are:
- Available to Request
- Pending (Pulls or TMRs)
- Already Returned
- In transit To/From a Bank
When you click on one of these tabs it will change the content of the table below. The badges
on the Pending tabs will tell you at a glance if there are requests that are outstanding.
You can use this search box to find a specific VIN you want to request.
When you click on a row in the table it will open a menu with the available actions you can take. This menu will allow you to see the details of this piece of collateral, or request a pull or TMR if applicable.
This is your Requesting Cart; you can think of it just like an online shopping cart. You can queue up as many documents to request as you want. You can add comments to each of the requests when they are in your cart. When you're finished make sure to click the submit button at the bottom. * If you do not click this button none of your request will be submitted. *
Once you have submitted pull requests, they can be found on the Pending Pulls tab. You can click the Printer Icon at the bottom of the page to print the contents of the Pending Pulls table.
When you click on a row in the pending table, it will open a menu with the available actions you can take. The Pending Option Menu will allow you to add the document to your packing list, edit the request comment, cancel the request, or see the details of this piece of collateral.
You can click this button to add all of the requests in the current table to the packing list. If there are multiple pages for the table, it will only do the current page.
The Packing List works similarly to the Requesting Cart. Add all the documents you're going to put in a package here. * Make sure to click FINALIZE when you are finished. *
Once you have submitted TMR requests, they can be found on the Pending TMRs tab. The functionality of the table when you're on this tab is the same as the Pending Pulls.
Once pull requests have been completed, the collateral can be found in the Returned Docs tab.
The Docs/Packages buttons will change the view style of the table. When in 'Packages' mode you can click on a row to see the content of the package. This modal shows the contents of the package.
The gear icon button will allow you to edit the tracking number of the package. Once you have made your changes to the tracking number of the package the 'Save' button will save the changes you've made. * If you do not click the 'Save' button your changes will NOT be saved. *
The Re-Open Returned Package button will reopen the package if you need to adjust its contents. Only do this if you're absolutely sure you need to.
When in 'Docs' mode, clicking on a row will bring up a menu to:
- see the package and other docs that were in it.
- view the details of the piece of collateral.